Thursday, September 1, 2011

2003 Summary Judgements- Refunds

In December 2003, Anne Arundel County Circuit Court Judge Philip Caroom ruled on an initial series of Summary Judgments, and found:

1. The County had improperly "extended" fees which should have been refunded in several districts and years during the period FY1988 through FY1996.

2. The County improperly used school impact fees for "ineligible" purposes---projects that did not create capacity: South Shore Elementary School, Park Elementary School and Temporary Relocatable Classrooms.

After a period for unproductive settlement efforts, the court directed hearings to determine the exact amounts of refunds resulting from the Summary Judgments.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Donnelly,

    I would like to connect with you about growth management and school planning.

    Thank you for your consideration

    Dwight Kieser
